I am a mental health educator, content creator, and virtual assistant. I love freelancing and wearing a lot of different hats, but I worked many 9-5 jobs before discovering this way of life.

In my first few jobs, I was a case manager for homeless families. Then I spent a few years serving as a program assistant for a youth housing program, working closely with the director on updating and implementing new systems and procedures to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. Then I spent a few years case managing homeless youth. Finally, I spent 6 years supervising volunteers serving as advocates for youth in the foster care system.

These experiences, in addition to my Masters' Degree in Psychology, have provided me with extensive insight into the fields of mental health and holistic well-being.

Most of my jobs have involved working with a diverse variety of individuals whom I was tasked with helping to acheive specific goals. I've learned that the types of support people need to acheive the same goals varies WIDELY.

I take pride in meeting every person I work with where they are and discovering their unique styles of working and learning, in order to best support their success. I can help with the big picture, or I can help fill in the details. I can figure out the steps and what order they should go or I can just do one step in your process. We can work collaboratively, or we can divide and conquer. I can be a cheerleader, a coach, or a player on the field.

I am fueled and energized by creative problem solving. So, whatever problems you are encountering in your coaching or therapy business, I am excited to be part of solutions that are unique to you and set you up to thrive!

Check out the "portfolio" page on this website to see some evidence of my branding and design skills. Everything there was created in Canva. You can also find me on Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@divergentmags